“We travelled all the way from Germany to get married in Perth. Just the two of us and our two children. Delwyn made it possible and turned our wedding day into the best day of our lives, she made our dreams come true. Thank you so much.” Henry & Julia
It’s a long way to come from Germany to Perth and when that journey is to be the most romantic one you ever made, then everything needs to be perfect… perfectly fabulous!
Es ist fuer mich eine riesige Freude wenn Deutsche-Verliebte sich bei mir melden und ganz vorsichtig Fragen ob ich eine Hochzeitszeremonie in Deutschesprache fuer Sie durchfuehren koennte. Ja, Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache und es ist ein grosses Privileg fuer mich das machenzukoennen.
“Wir haben uns sofort wohlgefühlt. Von der ersten Email von Delwyn wussten wir, dass wir die richtige Wahl getroffen hatten. Wir wollten eine einfache Zeremonie an einem wunderschönen Ort. Und Du, Delwyn hast das sofort verstanden. Deine Aufklärung über die australische Rechtslage war einfach zu verstehen und wir fühlten uns in guten Händen. Ohne deine Hilfe und Unterstützung wäre unsere Zeremonie nicht so wunderbar gewesen wie sie war. Wir liebten den Bambus Rahmen, die Garnelen and Champagner am Strand. Und das perfekte Timing, das das meiste aus dem Sonnenuntergang und dem frueheren Vollmond holte. Wir sind extrem glücklich. Es war Alles so richtig. Die Tatsache, dass Du dich mit Regina getroffen hast und dass Wir uns nicht um standesamtliche Papiere kümmern mussten, war großartig. Es war außerdem auch großartig, dass wir regelmäßigen Emailkontakt hatten. Dadurch konnten wir Dich ein bisschen besser kennenlernen und wurden auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Dein Service war sehr, sehr, sehr gut. Danke. Definitiv. Du bist die Beste. Wir sind sehr glücklich.” Bruno & Katja
“Wir freuen uns RIESIG Dich kennen zu lernen! !!! Du warst uns bisher schon solch eine tolle Hilfe! !! Wahnsinn, ohne Dich wären wir nie so schnell so weit gekommen !!!! DANKE dafür schon!!!!!” Steffi & Sebastian
“Our dream was it to celebrate our wedding abroad. Australia was the place to be. Delwyn made it so easy for us to let our dream come true. From A to Z everything was just perfect. We got all the information we need for Australian legislation as well as for German legislation. With Delwyn’s help it was easy to fulfil the requirements of both countries. Working with you was always a pleasure! It was a very friendly atmosphere at any time. Your little special touches were awesome! Please stay like you are and keep this wedding service as individual as it is right now. All the best for your business.” Kai & Dori
What a fabulous job I have! As a bilingual German speaking celebrant, I have had the privilege of experiencing some very moving moments. One bride’s Mum could not make it to the wedding at the last moment because of a serious health issue. We did the ceremony in German and English so the bride’s Mum & Dad and granny could all enjoy it on Skype, live with the rest of us. It was very touching. The bride hung photos of her mother’s and grandmother’s weddings in the tree under which the ceremony took place.
Wedding Rituals tend to be a very important part of wedding ceremonies where either the bride or groom, (or both), originate from overseas. When family, friends and loved ones can’t make it to the wedding they can send meaningful objects such as ribbons, photos, books, and recordings, which can be included in the ceremony. It’s a beautiful way to include more of their own culture.
“I don’t even know where to start. Delwyn (our german speaking celebrant) did an absolute amazing job. She did our ceremony in German and English. All the guests also loved her. She helped us so much with creating our ceremony so we could give it a very personal touch. I will def call her again if we ever gonna refresh our vows. Delwyn war einfach nur super. Unsere Trauung war auf English and Deutsch. Alle Gaeste waren begeistert. Ich werde Delwyn auf jeden Fall anrufen wenn wir irgendwann mal unsere Eheversprechen erneuern.” Laura H
Delwyn Joy Klevenow – German Speaking Celebrant from Matthew Bettinaglio on Vimeo.
As a marriage celebrant in Perth it isn’t very often, in fact it’s way too seldom, that you get a request to do a naming ceremony. Yesterday evening I was again offered that privilege. A beautiful young couple wanting to mark the welcoming of a very precious little person into their lives and their circle of family and friends. They want to celebrate the fulfilling of a wonderful lifetime wish and to show their thanks and appreciation for all the support and love they have received, especially from their family and friends. They and the godparents will publicly accept their responsibilities for, and declare their promises to, this precious child. We will have some fun too preparing a surprise for him for his 5th birthday. I love being a wedding celebrant but performing a Naming Ceremony to celebrate a miracle in the shape of a precious baby is truly a fabulous privilege.