Our Blog

March 9, 2017 Delwyn

Being a marriage celebrant is a huge privilege. You share the dreams and sometimes keep the secrets of many beautiful couples. I love meeting my couples for the first time and hearing their story. It’s not just listening, it’s about reading between the lines, watching their body language and Holding Space for them.


October 15, 2016 Delwyn2

Wedding Ceremonies are not always just smiles and fun. Tears of joy are sometimes shared with tears of remembrance and sorrow. As a marriage celebrant it is sometimes not easy to walk that fine line of including and honouring deceased loved ones in a wedding ceremony and creating a joyful and fun celebration for the bridal couple.

September 1, 2016 Delwyn

“Getting to the other side of an event makes me beyond happy. Seeing the joy on people’s faces on the evening but also hearing the reviews makes me glad. I just love pulling together a beautiful table that encourages community”. – I had to cheer when I read this quote from Stacey Clark. She had contacted me re being the wedding celebrant for one of her clients and because I had not had the pleasure of working with her before I did a little research and fell in love with her philosophy.