Our Blog


August 27, 2018 Delwyn

One of my favourite ceremonies as a marriage celebrant are elopements. Wenn ein Paar heimlich oder im kleinen Kreis heiraten moechte, diese Zeremonien liebe ich besonders gern! They are so intimate and personal and the bride and groom get to choose, and have, everything exactly the way they want it to be. They are able to focus on each other without any outside influences and fully enjoy being in the moment.


March 18, 2018 Delwyn

Is one of the things that worry you as a Bride-to-Be, “how will I change my name after marriage?”

Many brides worry about this and there are some who don’t worry at all as they are unaware of the work involved. Some years ago I noticed how stressful this could be for brides, (and some grooms too!), so I decided to give my brides a voucher for a website called: After The Wedding


February 17, 2018 Delwyn

Many brides and grooms worry about what to do with their guests after the ceremony, while they are off having their photos taken. I saw this problem solved very elegantly a few months ago and have witnessed it again since. The cutting of the Wedding Cake was performed directly after the signing of the documents, before they walked down the aisle! As a marriage celebrant I have witnessed many unusual and creative ideas and this was one of the really good ones I thought!

February 10, 2018 Delwyn

With a stunning river and bolder background behind us the groomsmen and marriage celebrant (that’s me :)) were in place and soft back ground music was playing as the guests slowly took their places. Suddenly the serenity of the natural bush surroundings was shattered as the Theme to Top Gun began to blare out around us! Surprise on everyone’s faces was quickly followed by cheering and applause as the groom made his entrance, slowly grooving his way down the hessian aisle. It was magic and totally in keeping with this very fun-couple’s style and sense of humour.

October 25, 2017 Delwyn

Congratulations on your engagement! You’re now at the beginning of a wonderful, and sometimes stressful, journey to your wedding day. For starters, it must be daunting when you begin your search for suppliers! So how do you find the ‘right’ celebrant? Here are a few pointers that I hope will be helpful.


October 15, 2016 Delwyn2

Wedding Ceremonies are not always just smiles and fun. Tears of joy are sometimes shared with tears of remembrance and sorrow. As a marriage celebrant it is sometimes not easy to walk that fine line of including and honouring deceased loved ones in a wedding ceremony and creating a joyful and fun celebration for the bridal couple.